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Revision as of 23:38, 6 January 2020 by Adám Brudzewsky (talk | contribs) (add demo)
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An APL interpreter written Nick Nickolov in JavaScript, making it run in a under Node.js or in any modern browser.

ngn/apl supports most primitives, dfns ({⍺ ⍵}), nested arrays, complex numbers (1j2), infinities (¯ or ), forks and atops, strand assignment ((a b)←c), indexed assignment (a[b]←c), user-defined operators ({⍺⍺ ⍵⍵}), but does not support tradfns (∇R←X f Y), non-zero index origin (⎕IO), comparison tolerance (⎕CT), prototypes, modified assignment (x+←1), keywords (:If), object-oriented programming, namespaces.

ngn/apl's demo interface

External link

APL dialects [edit]
Maintained APL+WinAPL2APL64APL\ivApletteAprilCo-dfnsDyalog APLDyalog APL Visiondzaima/APLGNU APLKapNARS2000PometoTinyAPL
Historical A Programming LanguageA+ (A) ∙ APL#APL2CAPL\360APL/700APL\1130APL\3000APL.68000APL*PLUSAPL.jlAPL.SVAPLXExtended Dyalog APLIverson notationIVSYS/7090NARSngn/aplopenAPLOperators and FunctionsPATRowanSAXSHARP APLRationalized APLVisualAPL (APLNext) ∙ VS APLYork APL
Derivatives AHPLBQNCoSyELIGleeIIvyJJellyK (Goal, Klong, Q) ∙ KamilaLispLang5LilNialRADUiua
Overviews Comparison of APL dialectsTimeline of array languagesTimeline of influential array languagesFamily tree of array languages